101 Free Witch Tips

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Celebrating 1010 Free Witch Tips

We have so enjoyed the connections made as we ventured into sharing more of the little moments of medicine making that weave through our day to day life. Thank all of you who have liked, commented, reposted and shared for your encouragement. For those new to this series, you can find it over on our IGTV (on Instagram)If you haven’t already been watching, you can click HERE to check out this free practical magic series exploring the magic of the mundane and all the different ways that we are making medicine every day, and as always let us know your questions and your own best practices in the comments. If you love it and want to keep the free content coming, please click here to explore supporting us on Patreon…Below is a list of topics we explore…Let us know which are your favorite!

  1. Talking Quantum Plant Spirit Medicine

  2. Plant Medicine and Polyamoury

  3. Seasonal Surrender: Trust Your Multidimensional Quality Control

  4. Imbolc: Reweaving Celtic Wisdom

  5. Toxic Art Materials and Beneficial Bacteria

  6. Witch Tips: Nourishing Herbal Infusions are not Tea

  7. Real Talk About Sensorship

  8. Witch Tips: About Alcohol Tinctures

  9. Witch Tips: Growing Lavender for Food, Medicine and Friendship

  10. Witch Tips: Making Mugwort Vinegar

  11. Elderberry Horehound Sage Vinegar and Ethical Considerations

  12. To Coven or Not to Coven?

  13. Witch Tips: My Number 1 Natural Pain Reliever

  14. Witch Tips: Plants for Overgivers

  15. Witch Tips: When Your Beloved Child Coughs in Your Mouth

  16. One Way to be a Nicer Witch Roomate

  17. Witch Tips: Neem, UTI’S and why I am NOT Down with Period Panties

  18. Witch Tips: Stacking Functions in the Kitchen

  19. Witch Tips: How to Freeze Things in Glass Jars

  20. Born to be Wild

  21. Starseed, Autistic, or Indigenous

  22. Corn Spirits and Making Organic Guava Paste

  23. Mercury Retrogrades as Evolutionary Allies

  24. Bone Medicine

  25. Can a Death Wish be Healthy?

  26. Lavender for Transitions

  27. Labelling Your Homemade Medicines

  28. Shamanic Tracking as an Essential Part of Medicine Making

  29. Our Hands Know Better than Any Tool (What to do if you don’t have a food processor)

  30. What Gatekeeper plants think of all this rain

  31. Spring Equinox, Mugwort & Heart Ghosts

  32. How to Tie Your Mugwort Bundle

  33. When in Doubt, Throw it Out

  34. How to Not Rob Men of the Benefits of Being Uncomfortable

  35. More Tools for Shamanic Tracking

  36. Embracing Illness as Medicine

  37. Thinking of Starting a Medicine Garden

  38. Accurate Dosing with Medicinal Mushrooms

  39. Great Guidebooks For Nutrition and Sexual Health

  40. More Word Magic & What Shisandra Can Teach You About S*x with Grown Women

  41. Body Temple Bacteria Farm

  42. Why We Don’t Drink Coffee During Apprenticeship

  43. Osha Tincture & Elderberry Accidents

  44. Schedule Empowerment: The Medicine of Time

  45. Rethinking Frozen Foods

  46. Onion Skin Dyed Ostara Eggs

  47. Curiosity, Boundaries, and Sincerity as Compassion In Action

  48. Beltane Pregame: Masculine and Feminine Union, Mom, Dad and inner marriage

  49. Cooking as Medicine for Codependence and Herbal Gummy Advice

  50. Beltane for the Not-So-Hetero

  51. Healing with the Land and some seasonal gifts for you

  52. “The Listening” Seasonal Land Transmission

  53. My Abortion Story (I could have a 19 year old!)

  54. Embracing Scorpio Intensity

  55. Summer Season Guidance from the Dreamtime

  56. Emotional Health

  57. Power and Prayer

  58. Lughnasad Prep and Aligning with Longer Cycles

  59. The Difference Between Poison & Medicine is the Amount

  60. Witch Tip: Practical and Esoteric Considerations for Working with Reishi

  61. Career as Personal Prescription

  62. Stinging Nettle Initiations and Bee Venom Therapy

  63. Turmeric & Turning Back into a Baby in Ritual

  64. Soil Micro Organisms and Medicinal Soda

  65. Virgo, Autumn, and Tulsi Spirit Medicine

  66. Why I Love Gelatin and Avoid Soy

  67. Eco Friendly Kitchen Gadget Scores

  68. Irritability or Homesickness?

  69. Everyday Fight Flight or Freeze Awareness

  70. Plant Medicine for Scary Conversations

  71. Healthy Collaborations Require Time, Trust, and Tending

  72. Soul Braiding, Celtic Alchemy, and Why Witches Often Wear Black

  73. Savoring the Sacred Remains

  74. Apparently today is THE day for crossing over

  75. Temple Build Projects Update

  76. Feelings and Needs Awareness as Seasonal Medicine

  77. Mysteries of Pre-Christian Ireland

  78. The Path of Pilgrimage is Unreliable

  79. Our Fantasies, Myths and Cosmologies Create Tangible Realities

  80. 🙏🏾I Apologize🙏🏾

  81. Winter Womb Wellness (The Wonder & The Wierdness!)

  82. OMG One of us is stepping up in a REALLY big way🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  83. Kava Ganache Giveaway

  84. Shapeshifting and Tests of Faith

  85. We Can’t Please Everyone and We Don’t Need to Know in Order to Serve

  86. Hawthorn: Inspiration, Edgewalking, & Soul Retrieval

  87. Bog Flavors and Resource Redistribution

  88. Experiencing Mainstream Holiday Torment??

  89. Multifunctional Everything

  90. Organic Transitions: Concious Uncoupling Support

  91. At Home Herbal Study Guide

  92. Our Pre-Christian Roots, Maqui Berry & Using What we Have

  93. Dismantling, Rebuilding, Tulsi and Good Conversation

  94. Mountain Dreaming Part 1: A Season of Repair

  95. Tolerating Discomfort & Being the Change

  96. Genetic Alchemy & Braided Blood

  97. Getting Strong Enough

  98. Lugnasadh Lite: Roots Before Fruits

  99. The Medicine of Perspective

  100. Is it Right for me to Attempt Ancestral Communication at This Time?

  101. Your Burning Questions about Herbal Infusions Answered