Welcome to The Next Level!

You have overcome many challenges to be here, cultivating and sharing your most unique spirit medicine at every level of consciousness you have passed through on your way to this crossroads. Congratulations and Thank you! This is just the beginning and all that you have enjoyed and endured on your journey is about to take on a whole new meaning as you deepen your comittment to walking with plants and Goddesses as companions and guides, to walking as medicine woman in this body, in this life...Please take a moment to celebrate yourself, that by virtue of your spirit, you could still hear the song that calls us to our highest potential and guides us home!

The ceremony begins when you say yes, and perhaps you are already feeling the shifts beginning! Please use the form below to send us your full mailing address at your earliest convenience so that we can mail you your welcome kit and you can begin to prepare for our first online meeting and our first in person gathering.

Welcome kits will likely ship out the first week of august.

What a blessing it is to have the time to get to know each other again in these forms!

Yaya (Erin)


Please Complete ASAP to receive your Welcome Kit and begin Preparing to embark on a journey of deep transformation!