Double Mugwort Herbal Oil Pull
Pre-Ritual Oil Pull for Oracles, Facilitators and other Conscious Communicators
Although sometimes thought to be an ancient ayurvedic practice, oil pulling is actually a more contemporary practice created by wholistic medical professionals inspired by ayurvedic principles and understanding of body systems. Regardless of its origins, anyone who has practiced a daily herbal oil rinse will attest to its soothing effects and its effectiveness with a range of minor oral discomforts like tooth and gum sensitivity.
Artemisia vulgaris
Artemisia douglasiuna
coconut oil
Wormwood (4 drops per 32 oz. batch)
Basic Instructions:
First thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, scoop out between 2 teaspoons and 1 tablespoon of oil and swish it in your mouth for 15 minutes, using a suction like action to “pull” the oil through you teeth if desired. Take care to avoid swallowing and when finished, make sure to spit the oil into the trash, not down the sink or in the toilet. Brush your teeth immediately after finishing.
Not all wonderful things taste sweet. Sometimes hard conversations make for easy relationships! Bitter flavors are good for your spirit, and it is normal for this combination of plant allies to taste very bitter.
Word Magic is a big part of our medicine bundle and we are envisioning this as a practice that can be enjoyed by everyone, but may be especially relevant as a pre-ritual self care practice for Oracles, Facilitators, and other Conscious Communicators.